Moving to a new cloud provider?
Bloomz is a school communication platform that is designed to coordinate, communicate and share real-time information among teachers, parents and the PTA. Bloomz platform's rich functionality has attracted many customers having close to 3 million users. Bloomz was looking to migrate to Azure to handle the growth.
The users had swelled to nearly 3 million and the system handled millions of requests per hour. The system had grown to about 20 in-house developed applications, over 40+ servers, 3 database clusters and dependent on 10+ third-party services.
CloudAccel planned and executed Bloomz migration to Azure. From network design, firewall rules to building vm images, automating builds, automating the provisioning of dev, qa and staging environments, migrating db clusters over secure tunnels, setting up autoscale, monitoring dashboards, alerts, CloudAccel managed all aspects of the migration. CloudAccel leveraged its expertise in Azure to complete the deployment in a record 8 weeks, a project that usually needs many months over.
Despite Bloomz being a complex system, CloudAccel successfully migrated the system into Azure. The planned downtime was just 45 minutes as opposed to projected and budgeted 2 hours. Furthermore, there was no unplanned downtime either during or post-migration.